Monday, October 24, 2011

and when the children become the father the father becomes the child

TODAY! i saw something that really amazed me and shocked me...i am so like him in the aspect of the craftsmanship, music and dreams and trying to achieve the non achievable .. but i have never had a chance to do art because art is for the very lucky or extremely rich people... thats why i never bother to develop my skills..because i will not let the people i care for suffer upon my risk trying to make a living doing something i risky that i like...

and i keep thinking this person who has such a talent that maybe could be improved and made into something yet walked away from everything he had or could ever have.. just to be someone he cannot be.. and i will not be this person... i will never be this person..

too much commitment to something you love to do will cost you whatever you have.. thats why no matter how much i talk about doing it..i have yet to drop it all and just do it.. because i know this will ruin my ability to provide for myself and my family...

i sincerely hope you are having a good life.. i really wish the best to you.and i respect your decision after talking to you...but i will never walk in your path..

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