Sunday, May 8, 2011

oh mon dieu! je suis trop troublé!

ok i'm got tonnes to deal with this week itself..and the following weeks as well.. i've got listening tomorrow, grammar test the following week and follow by oral the next.. i'm so terrified! plus, i have 2 major assignments and 1 visual test for film studies which I oh so dread given i got a P in my last class pre assessment!

apprently i'm pusing myself too hard..but i dont see any other way on how i'm going to accomplish anything if i dont... and i still feel i'm slacking off too much.. my hectic life begins again this Friday when i start work again like a dog..i'm so happy to start work because i feel that it will help me focus on things that are of priority! oh mon dieu!

acording to my horoscope, i am expecting something big in the next few days... and i have to appreaciate what i have now.. which is? NOTHING Oh Mon Dieu I HV NOTHING!!

i've been repeating the scene over and over and over again in my head but i cant seem to get it rigth.. i am going to go for it~ i know its something ridiculous! but i think if i dont do it i will regret it all my freaking life... i dont know how else this can go wrong.. there is only one way that it can go wrong..and i think i'm prepared to face the downfall..

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